Three Leaves to the Clover of Life With a Business

Three Leaves to the Clover of Life With a Business

Finding the balance between work and life sounds easy, though it can be hard to do. Until you look at is as three parts of the same clover. Then it becomes simple.

There's one major thing I've learned in life & business, which splits into three parts of the same trunk like a three leaf clover. And that is:


◇ p.1) How you present yourself is Imperative. Your reputation is built on how you carry yourself, how you speak, how you dress, how you act.

Your manners, your discipline, your courage to speak, and what you say. The kinds of people drawn to you depend on YOU.


◇ p.2) When you are with these people, your friends and allies, be PRESENT. Gracing them with your undivided attention shows that you appreciate them and their time.

Also, it shows you value what they have to say. It feels good to be recognized, and they will remember you well for recognizing them!


◇ p.3) Take a break. Take the time to be with your people. Allotting yourself some time off, then coming back to work is like an energy drink that lasts months! Small breaks mean better consistency in your work ethic. It’s a win-win!


◇ Ok! That's the end of my morning thoughts from sunny New Mexico. I've spent a month here on the other side of the country with my people (not on purpose, but that's another story.) and in a few short days, @keeping.clever is coming back into the light w/ videos, articles, How-to's, and another a guest podcast!


Stick with me & KC and I'm going to share as many of my secrets as possible to get you going with your own presentation, storytelling and brand.

We're going to bring your ideas to life. 🥂