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What is Keeping Clever?
How can it help me?
What does KC do?

To answer, consider this:

What is the difference between an idea and reality?


Most live in fear of the unknown, never taking a step forward because they never know what to do, or how to start.

For entrepreneurs poised and ready to take action, KEEPING CLEVER is here to help. We start by understanding what are your first actionable steps, and how to make them.

These steps start with the main three-pillar teachings from KC:

  • How to build a beautiful brand for your own business.

  • How to enrapt & engage any audience with powerful storytelling.

  • Presenting yourself and your business with excellence.

You can learn all these things in the free Resources, or more intimately with private coaching, hour consultations, or taking the online courses.

Private coaching involves you meeting 1-on-1 virtually with a coach who will walk you through a branding process, teaching you valued skills to help your business stand out, without paying thousands to a specialist to do it for you.

Hour consultations are like private brainstorming sessions and live Q&A for business owners who just need a little pick-me-up with what they already have, or help to rebrand. While shorter than the 5-week private coaching, the information you receive is no less valuable. This is strictly for those who already have a solid brand, and are only looking to build on it.

The online courses are for introverted learners who prefer to go at their own pace. You have the exact same lessons and classes as those who opt for private coaching, only here, you don’t have to worry about hopping on a video call with a coach. Here, you can learn from home in your pajamas at any time of day that works for you.

Aside from providing these baseline pillars of information, KC connects you to outside resources. Resources such as workshops, podcasts, coaches, educators, books, and more. Everything you need to grow your ideas into a big, successful reality.

We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.
— Max Depree