7+ Virtual Ways to Spend Time With Friends & Family during Quarantine

Do you miss hanging out with your friends?
... Sipping mimosas... chatting...Seeing their faces... enjoying their company...
I've got a few ideas to help you STILL hang out with your friends, even while quarantined. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
In an online working world, my teams have always been meeting up virtually.
(I mean, when you're all in different countries there's no other option! 😆)
As we got closer as friends, we started doing fun things using the same tools we would use for those meetings.
Now we can take these tools and game ideas and share them with our local friends!
Here are a few ideas to help you and your friends stay the same and have fun!
1️⃣ ZOOM - With this platform, you can share your own screen so they can see a video you want to share, and you can see everyone's beautiful faces!
2️⃣ Google Hangouts! - Just like Zoom, but everyone needs a Gmail account
3️⃣ Jackbox party games - As long as your internet is strong, it's a brilliant way to share some laughs!
4️⃣ Movie night! - on YouTube, pick a movie, (there's a ton of free options now!), get some popcorn and watch together through a zoom/hangouts screen share! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

5️⃣ Dance party (for the extroverts and very comfortable introverts) - Share your screen and pick dance tutorials to learn together! Who knows, you may come out of quarantine knowing the Thriller!
6️⃣ Virtual bar - Look up MakeMeACocktail.com and learn to make something fun with what you already have in the cupboards. Then get together in front of your screens and have a good time (responsibly)!
7️⃣ GAMING. Xbox, guys. Seriously, you can play with your friends across the world and chat with them THROUGH the system! Those with a competitive edge (like me 😬) need this.

Am I missing anything? 🤔
Let me know in the comments, what is another fun way to virtually meet with friends? 👇

NOTE: This list will consistently be added to and changing with updates of new ideas! Follow

8️⃣ Sports Night with the Boys - Yes. Sports have been canceled. Our favorite events aren’t happening, and we can’t meet our friends in the bleachers.

But when has that ever stopped a person from watching a game from the comforts of home?

All you need to do is add in a few factors.

  • Call a few of your buddies and give them the date/times you will be virtually hanging out.

  • Use Zoom, Skype, or Hangouts so you can be present with one another.

  • Stream a recording from one of your team’s best games. Maybe a game you all had gone to LIVE together and are ready to relive the experience!

  • Throw in your favorite beers and, VOILA! You’ve got yourself a high-quality sports night with the boys!

    (Note: Please drink responsibly.)

(Idea by Vikas Kapil of Vikas Kapil Podcasts.)

9️⃣ Arts & Crafts CHALLENGE - Crafting is another creative option! Doing a challenge where you have to make something creative with what you have in your house.

(Idea by Taylor from
We Craft Social. You can find more creative fun and ideas on their website, https://wecraftsocial.com!)

1️⃣0️⃣ Virtual Disney Vacation! - Have you been looking forward to hopping on a plane and visiting the happiest place on earth this Spring?

When the COVID Crisis elevated, Disney was one of the many places that closed it’s doors to preserve the health of the people. Unfortunately, that meant many canceled trips.

If yours were among those canceled trips… Have no fear! Virtual relief is here!

This Blogger has gone above and beyond to help cure every disnerd’s wanderlust through a magnificent compilation of ride videos to help you feel the full Disney experience from home!

Pair these videos with the official release of some CLASSIC Disney Recipes, and you and your family can have one of the greatest staycations of the century!

1️⃣1️⃣ Share - A - Scare! - It’s game night again… But now with a haunting twist.

Gather your friends at night for a video call, and prepare for a scare.

On your call, one friend will play a scary game — For old times’ sake, “Slenderman” is a fun choice! — and share their screen so the rest of your friends can share in the experience.

Whoever can get the furthest in the game without dying wins!

BONUS: For the adults a little more on the adventurous side, whenever the player screams, squeals, or jumps… everyone else takes a swig of their drink!

(Note: Please drink responsibly.)