Spec Coaching & Consulting

“Every single thing in life revolves around our ability to communicate, or is affected by our inability to communicate effectively.”

(above) Rachel Randolph, the founder of Spec

(above) Rachel Randolph, the founder of Spec

This is more clear and important than ever as the social climate of the world intensifies.

It's scary to speak up, it's scary to not speak up.

If we know why we're speaking, about anything, we can lean on self-assurance to be confident regardless of the situation.

Welcome to SPEC COACHING & CONSULTING by Rachel Randolph.

For the past few years, Rachel has been hosting, and teaching meetups with 470+ members on communication and conversation skills. Out of that she started her own company and has been helping anyone from coders to keynote speakers improve their communication skills through mindfulness.

Now, Rachel helps individuals overcome social anxiety through introspection


“It's a practice, I cannot do the work for anyone, of course, I set the stage for communication skills to be implemented.”


What is Introspection?

Rachel: A really simple example of this is asking you "do you like peanut butter?" It serves the goal of effective communication that you know the answer for yourself. Even if the answer is "I don't know," there is a certain level of comfort needed to communicate that, as well. People identify fears and what holds them back in communication using introspective prompts and NLP techniques. 

Relationships of all levels are fundamentally required by humans yet we struggle more and more connecting. Why is this? Yes technology, but I think it's much deeper and more personal, and different for everyone!

I seek to guide individuals to answer this for themselves, grounded in their natural confidence and self-assurance. Guiding with skills, empowering with personal responsibility, and encouraging them with analogies or personal stories along the way.


Visit the Spec Instagram page for FREE tips, journal prompts, and practices to help build your skills immediately.

How to work with Rachel on your own Introspective journey

Join Rachel’s spec groups and/or 1:1 for coaching through a strong mindset, intention, fears to natural confidence, overcoming social anxiety, ease of meeting new people.


If you choose 1:1 coaching we'll pick a pay per session plan and do as many as you like, or a 1:1 coaching plan, or a group workshop.

In 1:1 coaching you will have undivided attention and coaching through present state to desired state, using whatever methods or techniques your personality and situation require. It is not a one size fits all kind of coaching!

The group sessions I mediate, provide resources, homework, group discussions, practice on each other, etc.


To learn more about the coaching & consultations, send a message to:


Or at the Spec Coaching & Consulting Instagram page