The Gollum Strategy

I’m only going to say it once, so listen up.

I want you to be like Gollum. Yes, the pale, bug-eyed creature in Lord of the Rings.

Here’s why.

Imagine you’re walking into a fish market. And you see the monger selling these goods… Is a cowgirl. Right down to the hat, neckerchief, and boots.

You’re taken aback. What on EARTH does a cowgirl know about fresh fish? You begin turning to leave, then realize that cowgirl is actually Gollum.

In an effort to be “more presentable” to his clientele, Gollum tried to be something he’s not. A cowgirl. A pretty, pink cowgirl. Unfortunately, in his efforts to be more appealing, he was actually driving the customers away. Through inauthenticity and poor branding.

What could Gollum have done differently here?

SSimple. He could have been himself, though a better version of himself.

You see, Gollum already has a great, strong personal brand. One where people would buy his merchandise while listening to him sing about juicy sweet fish. He is clearly quite knowledgable about them, so his opinions on fish could easily be trusted. (Perhaps not by Sam…)

By pretending to be something he’s not (a cowgirl), initially people who walk into the fish market lose trust in his ability to help them, and potentially leave.

Never underestimate the power of a first impression! It is a driving force in your personal brand and business.

NOW, what does Gollum do?

Gollum is his authentic self. He eats fish. He sings of his fish. He shares his fish expertise. Maybe he doesn’t change his appearance much, because it is a part of his personal brand. And it didn’t work too well for him the last time.

In his authenticity, the brand voice and story speak out.

In being your authentic self, though striving for the best version, you naturally attract the right kind of people.

See the video here!